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(And we've only lost our minds twice)
Date: 04/20/2004
Publication: Soap Opera Digest
Type: Article
Title: Screen Stealers - Weekend at Bernie's VS Sharon's Body of Evidence
Courtesy of: Web Warrior Bob

Screen Stealers

Just before the Oscars, a group of Digest editors caught a screening of Mystic River and was reminded of a recent daytime mystery. While the movie obviously based on Dennis Lebane's novel and, as far as we know, Director Clint Eastwood is not a big soap fan, we were tickled by the similarities. Here with are some other recend sudser stories that were mirrored (a few intentionally, a few clearly not) by the big screen. One word of warning: If you haven't seen Mystic River, skip page 90 to avoid a spoiler.

Weekend At Bernie's


Sharon's Body of Evidence

Bernie was a handsome, impeccably dressed corporate raider who, unbeknownst to those around him, was a Mafia-tied embezzler. Cameron was a handsome, impeccably dressed corporate raider who, unbeknownst to those around him, was a physcially abusive misogynist.
On Labor Day weekend, Larry and Richard head to Bernie's beach house, where he plans to kill them. But Bernie ends up dead instead. On New Year's Eve, Sharon heads to a sleazy motel, where Cameron plans to rape her. But he ends up dead instead.
Not wanting to lose their great digs, Larry and Richard neglect to call the cops and report Bernie's death. Not wanting to lose her family, Sharon neglects to call the cops and report Cameron's death.
The men temporarily hide Bernie's body on the beach, where the corpse is covered by sand. Sharon temporarily hides Cameron's body behind a Dumpster, where the corpse is covered by snow
Bernie's body appears and disappears when Richard and Larry least expect it, causing them great angst. Cameron's body appears and disappears when Sharon least expects it, causing her great angst.
Bernie's irate girlfriend, Tina, shows up in search of her philandering boyfriend, unaware that he is dead. Cameron's irate girlfriend, Grace, shows up in search of her philandering boyfriend, unaware that he is dead.
Richard and Larry drive Bernie's body around in a designer golf card, eluding pesky neighbors. Sharon drives Cameron's body around in a luxury sedan, eluding pesky thugs.
Just when they thought the nightmare was over, Bernie returned in Weekend at Bernie's II Just when she thought the nightmare was over, Cameron returned as a vision in her living room.

Dead Again: Bernie (Terry Kiser,c.) was a great host to Richard (Jonathan Silverman, l.) and Larry (Andrew McCarthy) despite his death in 1989's Weedend at Bernie's.

Date With Destiny: Cameron's (Linden Ashby, with Sharon Case as Saron) demise proved that not only the good die young.